据路透社雅加达1月4日消息,上游油气监管机构SKK Migas董事长Dwi Soetjipto表示,2018年,雪佛龙旗下印尼分公司在Rokan区块的日产量为209,400桶,低于上年的22.3万桶。
英国石油公司旗下子公司BP Berau运营的Tanggu液化天然气工厂,天然气日产量为10.76亿立方英尺,而2017年的日产量为9.65亿立方英尺。
Pertamina Hulu Mahakam去年的天然气产量为8.32亿立方米/天,低于2017年的12.86亿立方英尺。
SKK Migas表示印度尼西亚今年的上游石油和天然气投资目标为147.9亿美元。
曹海斌 摘译自 路透社
Oil output from Indonesia's Rokan, Cepu blocks rises in 2018.
Indonesian unit of Chevron Corp produced 209,400 barrels of oil per day (bpd) from the Rokan block in 2018, down from 223,000 bpd a year earlier, Dwi Soetjipto, chairman of upstream oil and gas regulator SKK Migas said.
Exxon Mobil produced 209,300 bpd of crude oil from the Cepu block in 2018, compared to 203,000 bpd in 2017, Soetjipto said.
BP Berau, a unit of BP Plc, which operates the Tanggu LNG plant produced 1,076 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) of natural gas, versus 965 mmscfd in 2017.
Pertamina Hulu Mahakam’s gas lifting last year was 832 mmscfd, down from 1,286 mmscfd in 2017.
ConocoPhillips’ Corridor Block production rose to 840 mmscfd of gas in 2018.
SKK Migas said Indonesia targets $14.79 billion in upstream oil and gas investment this year.