据中国石化新闻网讯 离岸工程1月18日报道称,地震成像技术在又墨西哥湾发现了数十亿桶石油,受此鼓舞,BP正在寻求将其最新技术应用于安哥拉和巴西。
该公司在海湾地区使用的软件,是基于由斯坦福大学地球物理学家Xukai Shen创建的算法开发的。该软件使BP石油公司在一个长期以来认为没有发现原油的地区有了新收获。
业内专家表示,上周BP石油公司Thunder Horse 油田下方8公里处的这一发现标志着深水勘探的重大飞跃。深水勘探这以低成功率和高风险而闻名。这是一个例子,说明技术如何帮助深水在十年之后卷土重来,当时该行业专注于陆上页岩的发展。
徐蕾 摘译自 离岸工程
BP Goes Global with Seismic Tech
Buoyed by the success of seismic imaging that found an extra billion barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, BP is looking to take its latest technology to Angola and Brazil.
The software used in the Gulf, based on an algorithm created by Xukai Shen, a geophysicist straight out of Stanford University, led to BP discovering the crude in an area where it had long thought there was none to be found.
Industry experts said the scale of the discovery 8 km below BP's Thunder Horse field, announced last week, marked a major leap forward for deepwater exploration - a costly business known for its low success rate and high risk. It is an example of how technology is helping deepwater make a comeback after a decade when the industry has focused on advances in onshore shale.