庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯
Oil Majors Extend Shale Dominance to Refining
Oil majors like Exxon and Chevron have already muscled their way toward control of oil production in shale regions like west Texas's Permian Basin, and shale-refining dominance is next, Morningstar says. Exxon recently announced plans to expand its Beaumont, Texas, refinery by 250k bpd, while Chevron is buying Petrobras's 110k bpd Pasadena refinery near Houston. "The latest investments by Exxon and Chevron suggest major oil companies are firmly placing their big boy stamp on the shale turf and claiming it as their own," Morningstar says. "These investments in shale in the ground are now being consolidated into their vertically integrated operation through the acquisition of downstream refining capacity at the Gulf Coast."