据普氏能源资讯2019年2月22日伦敦报道,塞尔维亚的一个由俄罗斯能源巨头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(俄气/Gazprom)麾下全资子公司拥有多数股份的合资公司Gastrans公司日前获准在塞尔维亚开始铺设一条403公里长的管道,这条新建管道将通过土耳其溪管道(TurkStream pipeline)把天然气从俄罗斯输送到欧洲东南部。
俄气全资子公司拥有Gastrans 公司51%的股份,塞尔维亚国家天然气公司Srbijagas拥有Gastrans 公司49%的股份。
李峻 编译自 Platts
Serbian natural gas pipeline expansion on track as approvals begin to land
Serbia's Gastrans -- a majority Gazprom-owned special purpose vehicle -- has begun winning approvals for the construction of a 403 km pipeline in Serbia designed to flow natural gas carried by the TurkStream pipeline from Russia further into southeastern Europe.
Gastrans, 51% owned by a fully-owned Gazprom subsidiary and 49% by Serbian gas company Srbijagas, was set up to implement the project to expand Serbia's gas network to carry some 11 Bcm/year of Russian gas from the border with Bulgaria to the border with Hungary.
Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller met Serbian President Alexander Vucic in Belgrade this week with the pipeline project at the top of the agenda, Gazprom said in a statement.
"Special attention at the meeting was paid to the implementation of this project for the construction of a gas transmission infrastructure in Serbia," it said.
"It was noted that the project company Gastrans is currently receiving permits from the relevant authorities of the country to start the project."